Day #1 : Sugar

Do you want to commit to the same quest we started 6 months ago?
We will post every week step by step the habit changes which make the difference.
Day #1 : Identify sugar.
Is there a lobby for sugar ? I would think so. Start to observe a little bit when you see advertisement or simply label.
You will see one of the 3 : Sugar free, Fat free, Salt free.
When you see one of them, it means one of the other is in abundance in the product you want to buy.
Ok, back to the sugar which is the topic of today. I wonder if this is the metric system issue, but everybody in the US count in Oz, Pounds, etc. The use of metric system is unusual here, but this is the scientific worldwide recognized units. So, of course, all labels will be using it. The more confusion, the better for the manufacturers. The last thing they want is you to realize how much sugar that represents. Take a look at your soda cans, the minimum quantity of sugar for a regular beverage is about 40gr of sugar ! How much is that? Take a look at the picture above. Each time you drink a can, you ingest that amount of sugar. Try to eat it with a spoon, that is about 8 teaspoons! You will be pretty sick at the 5th teaspoon, I guarantee you! Guess why they ask if you want some ice ? So that you don’t taste the sugar, and guess what, you are still thirsty after a can, so you will drink another one. At the end, the more they sell, the better it is for their business.
Conclusion: First advice, cut your Soda cans. Keep one a week for the pleasure, not the thirst!
You are going to tell me, but if there is aspartame etc… in it, I don’t eat sugar… yea right, but your body is fooled, and will try to store sugar/fat next time you ingest some, instead of burning it. It will say : “You ain’t fool me twice, this time I will store it for next time you give that aspartame stuff”